Turkka Lastunen Consulting Oy Ltd:
Global understanding – local presence
We are a strong technology engineering/sales/marketing consulting company when it comes to global project execution. This means that we can benefit from our 35 years international forest machinery experience in our projects. Global resourcing from Finland provided in cooperation with our global network has enabled cost-competitive and quickly completed engineering/sales/marketing projects.

Services & Experience

Turkka Lastunen Consulting Oy Ltd (Tulaco) offers both technical services as well international sales&marketing services among the machinery industry sector. The deepest experience is in the forest machinery business, especially regarding the attachments like harvesting heads. Based on long experience and wide network in every continent we are able find the right and profitable way to solve the customer problem and generate long term business solutions.
A key success factor is effective communication between our customers and our teams in Finland and around the world. The latest technology regarding design and communications tools secures a successful project delivery.
Strong competence
Our personnel is well educated and we offer continuous competence development.
Tulaco staff members provide a strong practical knowledge from for instance mechanical engineering, as solid theoretical competence or/and lobal marketing, we have the track-record and references to prove our services works well.